Cervical osteochondrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic disease that affects the intervertebral discs of the cervical spine. Degenerative changes usually develop in the most mobile parts of the spine, therefore, in the cervical region, due to violations in the structure of the vertebrae, the nerve roots at the level of C5, C6 and C7 suffer more often.
Cervical osteochondrosis symptoms

One of the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis is a compressive and pressing headache, which often radiates to the temples.
Clinical manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis are divided into reflex and radicular.
Reflex symptoms
Patients are concerned about so-called low back pain, a sharp, sharp pain that occurs in the cervical spine, made worse by movement. Perhaps the appearance of a creak when turning the head, sometimes patients take a forced position of the head due to severe pain.
People suffering from cervical osteochondrosis often complain of pressing or constricting headaches, which can radiate to the temples and eyeballs. Sometimes visual acuity can decrease, patients say that everything floats before their eyes.
When the nerve plexus of the vertebral artery is irritated, vertebral artery syndrome can occur, which is often misdiagnosed as a violation of cerebral circulation, in which the patient develops dizziness. They can occur with a sharp movement of the head, accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
One of the syndromes reflected in the cervical osteochondrosis clinic is cardialgic, in which the patient has sensations reminiscent of an attack of angina pectoris. Usually, this phenomenon is combined with other signs of the disease, so it rarely causes difficulties in the differential diagnosis with heart disease.
root syndromes
Radicular syndromes result from compression of the spinal root. The motor and sensory disturbances that appear in this case depend on which nerve root is affected:
- C1 - violation of sensitivity in the occipital region;
- C2 - pain in the occipital and parietal regions;
- C3 - decreased sensitivity and pain in the middle of the neck where the spinal nerve was violated, possibly a violation of the sensitivity of the tongue, speech disorders due to loss of control over the tongue;
- C4 - impaired sensitivity and pain in the scapular region of the shoulder, decreased tone of the muscles of the head and neck, possible breathing disorders, pain in the liver and heart;
- C5 - pain and impaired sensitivity in the outer surface of the shoulder;
- C6 - pain extending from the neck to the shoulder blade, forearm, outer surface of the shoulder, radial surface of the forearm to the thumb;
- C7 - pain extending from the neck to the shoulder blade, the back of the shoulder, the forearm to the II-IV fingers of the hand, impaired sensitivity in this area.
- C8 - pain and sensory disability spread from the neck to the shoulder, from the forearm to the little finger.
Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis
Cervical osteochondrosis is a complex disease that requires long-term, systematic and gradual treatment. Therapy is aimed at eliminating pain and fighting the inflammatory process in the affected area.
Patients are prescribed analgesics. Recently, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which effectively eliminate the pain syndrome and help reduce the activity of the inflammatory process, have become increasingly popular in the treatment of degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine.
In the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, the appointment of chondroprotectors, drugs that slow down the destruction of cartilage tissue, is indicated. Many doctors believe that the use of these medicines also promotes the regeneration of cartilage tissue.
The use of external ointments and gels containing irritants or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is ineffective. The pharmaceutical substance that is part of their composition is unlikely to reach the affected area due to the barrier of skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscles. However, it makes sense to use these external agents, since when rubbed into the skin, a neck massage is performed.
To improve the regenerative and metabolic processes in the affected nerve root, patients are prescribed vitamins of group B. Most often, doctors recommend patients a combined vitamin preparation, which is administered intramuscularly.
Non-drug methods for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis include acupuncture, hirudotherapy, physiotherapy, physical therapy, massage, manual therapy.
In severe cases, surgical treatment may be required.

Daily gymnastics for the cervical spine is a good prevention of osteochondrosis.
Prevention of the development of cervical osteochondrosis is not difficult. It is recommended to lead an active lifestyle, play sports or at least do morning exercises.
An important role in the prevention of the disease is played by the correct organization of the workplace and the ways of work and rest. People with sedentary jobs need to do some warm-up several times during the working day and, while working, monitor their posture and head position.
It is also important to choose a good mattress and a comfortable pillow for sleeping. People with diseases of the spine are advised to use special orthopedic products.
Which doctor to contact
Patients with osteochondrosis of the spine are monitored by a neurologist. There are a large number of doctors of other specialties who help patients with this disease: specialists in physiotherapy and massage exercises, osteopaths, manual and reflexology therapists, physiotherapists and others.